
Yupper Grand CoffeeTalk (July 13, 2024)

Overflowing not just with coffee, but also with the love from everyone who joined the Yupper Grand Coffee Talk — it was truly a warm and lovely Saturday morning last July 13th.
Our great God is our constant and our ultimate Source. We must stay connected to Him so we can nurture healthy relationships with others. The main theme “Love in Every Cup” reminds us that when our cups are filled with His love and presence, it overflows into every aspect of our lives and in every relationship we are blessed to have — allowing us to impart and share His love.
God loves us and He pursues us relentlessly. Once we recognize that God has us exactly where we need to be, we open up ourselves to a life rich with purpose and meaning. Each moment becomes a gift — filled with opportunities to grow, love, and serve.
“Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. Live as you are called.” — Sis Monica Colle
Wherever we are—single or committed—it’s exactly where God wants us to be.
We feel incredibly blessed to have the Lord guiding us during this brew-tiful event where married couples and singles of the Yupper family connected with each other as they recall the goodness of God in the season they are in. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our 95 attendees (singles and young couples). We can’t wait for our upcoming activities together!
We are blessed with the life of our leaders, Pastoress Leslie Santos and Elder Weily Santos. We also appreciate our Eons Group Leader Sis Shannie Fabro and our Assistant Eons Group Leader Sis Sharon Kholoma Santos for your continuous guidance and for sharing your wonderful insights. To our Yupper Team Leader Sis Monica Colle and Asst Team Leader Sis Rosal Abella, and to our Yupper Overseers and Asst Overseers, thank you for brewing up a coffee date to remember!

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