
YuGen Winterfire First Spark 2024

“Your first spark has to turn into fire and that fire should remain even in winter.” – Pastoress Leslie Santos

Love often comes to us unexpectedly. It starts with a spark—that electric feeling we get when we see the person we like. The same goes for our Christian journey. We often find ourselves loving God in moments of happiness and excitement, when our emotions are highly stimulated or when everything in our lives seem perfect. But when the hype is gone, when God is silent, when we see other’s flaws, do we still love God?

Christian life is not all glitz and glamor. We must get past the spark and let it evolve into an ever-growing fire. Yes, the first spark is exciting, but it will fizzle out and leave us with nothing. Therefore, we must take up our roots and grow our fire in faith. A fire that can last us during the winter of our lives.

As Pastoress Leslie said, your call to salvation and conversion will be followed immediately after your call to devotion. God paved a way for our salvation, but it’s our role to be faithfully devoted in Him. God’s love for us is an eternal flame—a love that lasts and full of sacrifices, so we should do the same and be strong in faith until He comes.

Praise the Lord for the successful F2F Yugen Winterfire 2024 with a total of 498 attendees and 3 souls baptized in Jesus’ Name. We would like to thank the Yupper and Nugeneration teams for their effective collaboration and teamwork throughout this event. We would also like to thank our event speaker, Pstrs. Leslie Santos; E. Weily Santos, E. Sherwin Naculangga, to our EON Group Leader, S. Shannie Fabro; to our Asst. EON Leader, S. Sharon Santos; to Yupper Team Leader, S. Monica Colle; to our Asst. Yupper Team Leader, S. Rosal Abella; to our Nugen Team Leader, S. JL Gonzales; to our Asst. Nugen Team Leader, S. Ellinoi Pascual; to B. Zildjian Santos and S. Porsche Santos; to all event committee and organizers; and to all participants from Main and Satellite churches.

To God be all the Glory!

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